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Where in Texas to Pursue a Medical Major?

Hey all, I'm really considering majoring in something medical related in college. Does anybody have any pointers to which Texas schools excel in that department, maybe with robust pre-med programs or unique opportunities?

5 months ago

Sure, Texas has several universities offering strong pre-med programs and great opportunities for students pursuing medical careers.

The University of Texas at Austin is one of the prominent universities in the state, known for its strong sciences and pre-med advising. The university offers a Freshman Research Initiative that gives first-year students the opportunity to dive into research, which can be a great boost for your med school application.

Another excellent option is Baylor University, which offers a strong pre-med curriculum coupled with opportunities for research and internships. Baylor also hosts a Medical Humanities major which might be of interest to you, combining aspects of the healthcare profession with considerations of ethics and empathy.

Rice University's Premedical Enhancement Program is also worth noting. This initiative collaborates with Baylor College of Medicine (not to be confused with Baylor University), giving students an immersive shadowing experience in the Texas Medical Center and direct mentorship.

Last but definitely not least, the University of North Texas hosts a combined BS/DO program through a partnership with the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, providing a direct, albeit competitive, path into medicine for high-achieving students.

Remember to check out the advising resources, course requirements, and extracurricular opportunities like research and internships at each of these schools. Additionally, all of these universities have strong ties with nearby health centers and hospitals where you can potentially gain valuable experience. Best of luck!

5 months ago

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