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Best on-campus jobs for Criminal Justice majors

Hey, I'm planning on majoring in Criminal Justice when I head off to college. But I'm also keen on working on-campus to support myself and hopefully gain some relevant experience. Any ideas on the types of jobs I should look for?

5 months ago

As a Criminal Justice major, you could take advantage of a variety of on-campus jobs that would not only provide you with a source of income, but also with valuable experience and opportunities in your field of study. Here are some suggestions:

- Campus Police Department: Many campuses have their own police departments, and they often hire students in various roles. Being part of the campus police department could provide you with firsthand experience in law enforcement.

- Security Assistant: Similar to the campus police department, security assistants play a key role in promoting safety on campus. The position may involve patrolling campus, working at access points, or monitoring security cameras.

- Research Assistant: If your criminal justice program is more academic or research-focused (as in conjunction with a social science department), a position as a research assistant could be very beneficial. You would work closely with faculty, analyzing data and studying criminal behavior.

- Resident Assistant: As an RA, you're responsible for enforcing residence hall and university policies, which could feed into your interest in law enforcement.

- Tutor/Teaching Assistant: If there are introductory-level criminal justice courses or related disciplines like sociology or psychology, working as a teaching assistant or tutor can help you deepen your understanding of the field by explaining concepts to other students.

Remember, the best job is not only about relevancy to your major, but also about what skills you could acquire and how you can contribute to your campus community. It's a good idea to check with your on-campus job center or career services office, as they can provide you with a list of available jobs and help you apply.

5 months ago

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