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Music Program recommendations in California colleges?

Hi guys! I really love music and I've been thinking about majoring in it when I go to college. I live in California, so I'm looking for great music programs here. Any suggestions?

5 months ago

There are some truly wonderful music programs here in California that you should definitely consider. Ranging from comprehensive state schools to smaller private institutions, you have quite a few options.

One to definitely consider is the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music. It hosts a variety of programs including choral music, classical guitar, music industry, and more. It's also well known for the opportunity for students to interact closely with faculty who are highly distinguished in their respective fields.

Furthermore, UCLA's Herb Alpert School of Music also supports a diverse array of music study areas, from Ethnomusicology to Music Composition. They emphasize that their music program lives within a general campus environment known for interdisciplinary coursework and research.

San Francisco Conservatory of Music is another school you might look into. This institution specializes exclusively in music and could potentially offer a more focused curriculum if that's what you're interested in.

Also, you may want to look at some of the Cal State schools. Specifically, California State University Northridge has a widely respected music program. It's comprehensive and offers a range of concentrations from Music Therapy to Jazz Studies.

Each program is unique, so think about what kind of music you are most interested in studying and what other academic disciplines you might want to explore. This will help guide you to the program that aligns best with your interests. Good luck!

5 months ago

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