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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Future-Proof Major Choices for Women

Hey people, does anyone know what college majors are best for securing jobs that won't be replaced by automation in the future, specifically for women?

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are several fields with solid prospects due to their resilience against automation. Keep in mind that individuals of any gender can excel in any major.

Firstly, consider Healthcare and Medicine. Degrees such as Nursing, Medicine, Physical Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling have a high degree of human interaction and judgment. These aspects of care are difficult to automate, making these professions less susceptible to future job loss due to automation.

Secondly, Specialized Business roles, particularly those involving strategic decision-making or negotiation, remain in high demand. Majors such as Business Administration, Finance, or Marketing could prepare you for these roles. Jobs such as management consultant or financial advisor typically require a high level of expertise and interpersonal skills that are difficult to automate.

Thirdly, consider STEM fields. Notably, Computer Science and Data Science have excellent prospects. As technology evolves, new roles will continue to emerge that support, develop, and analyze these systems.

Lastly, Education is another resilient field. While digital tools have changed how we teach, the need for educators can never be entirely automated away.

Even as you select your major, remember to cultivate skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, which are valuable across many fields and are challenging to replace with automation.

5 months ago

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