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Criminology Major in California

California schools have always been my focus because of the quality of education, diversity, and weather. I'm thinking of pursuing criminology. So, which colleges in California are renowned for their criminology programs? I'd like some guidance.

5 months ago

When considering a major in criminology in California, there are several highly respected programs to consider.

The University of California, Irvine (UCI) is noted for its strong criminology program. In fact, UCI's Department of Criminology, Law and Society is recognized for its interdisciplinary approach and is often highly ranked nationally. Students are taught to engage critically with concepts of law, crime, and social behavior, making it a depth-filled program.

Aside from UCI, another institution to consider is the University of Southern California (USC). USC's Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice focuses on core competencies such as criminal behavior understanding, criminal justice system operation, and the strategies and policies used to manage criminal conduct.

Another excellent school is California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). The criminology program at CSULB places a strong emphasis on research and analytical skills, preparing students for a wide range of career options.

Don't forget about the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). Their Legal Studies program, while not specifically criminology, covers some of the same ground and is well-regarded for its rigor and the opportunities it provides to students.

Remember, when selecting a program, look beyond just rankings. Also, consider how well it aligns with your career goals, the faculty, research opportunities, and any specializations within the program that may interest you. Best of luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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