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What's the best college major for someone wanting to be a spy?

It might sound a little strange, but I've always been fascinated by espionage and intelligence work. What might be a good major in college if I'm interested in maybe becoming a spy one day?

5 months ago

Given your interest in a career as a spy, or more realistically an intelligence officer, there are several college majors to consider that could serve as a strong foundation.

1. International Relations/Political Science: This major provides a deep understanding of world affairs, global conflicts, international diplomacy, and geostrategic considerations, all of which can be invaluable in intelligence work.

2. Linguistics: Being multilingual is an enormous asset in this field, particularly when it comes to languages considered invaluable for national security such as Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, or Farsi.

3. Computer Science or Cybersecurity: As technology continues to evolve, so does the landscape of intelligence gathering. Familiarity with cybersecurity, cryptography, or other technical skills could be significantly beneficial.

4. Criminal Justice or Criminology: Studying these fields could provide a solid foundation in understanding legal systems, investigative techniques, and more.

5. Psychology: Understanding human behavior, motivations, and how to build rapport can be quite useful in many intelligence roles.

Remember, though, your major is just one component of your preparation. Pursuing internships related to your field, maintaining excellent physical fitness, and showcasing good character and judgment are all factors in getting into organizations like the CIA or FBI. Also, consider studying abroad to broaden your cultural understanding and language skills. Every bit of experience and diverse learning adds to your potential as a future spy.

5 months ago

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