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Pursuing a Career as a Medical Laboratory Scientist - Best Major?

Hi all, I'm looking at pursuing a career as a Medical Laboratory Scientist. What would be the best major in college to help me on this path? I'm thinking something science-related but I'd love to hear some opinions.

5 months ago

Choosing a major that best prepares you for a career of a Medical Laboratory Scientist is an important step. From a practical viewpoint, a major in Medical Laboratory Science (also known as Clinical Laboratory Science) could be the most direct route. This is a specialized program that covers areas such as chemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunology, and molecular diagnostics. It’s typically inclusive of clinical rotations, which will provide you with valuable hands-on experience in a lab setting.

However, don't worry if the colleges you're considering don't offer a specific Medical Laboratory Science major. You could also major in a broader field like Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry. These majors provide a robust understanding of the life sciences and often involve lab work, which would be beneficial for your career.

Regardless of your chosen major, ensure to take courses that would be relevant to the MLS profession, such as microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, and statistics. You might also want to consider accredited MLS post-baccalaureate programs to supplement your bachelor’s degree and to prepare for the certification exam. Always check the requirements of any post-graduate or certification programs you're considering to make sure your undergraduate coursework aligns with their prerequisites.

5 months ago

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