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Top Political Science Schools in California?

Yo everyone! So I've decided to major in political science. I'm seriously considering California for college due to its diverse political environment. Could anyone point me towards the best colleges in California for a poli sci major? Any experiences or details would be awesome!

3 months ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you've chosen Political Science as your major and are exploring California colleges. California indeed has a dynamic political scene that makes it an exciting place to study. Here are some top-notch colleges:

1. Stanford University: Known for their rigorous and broad curriculum, Stanford's political science department emphasizes research, analytical skills, and theoretical understanding.

2. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): UC Berkeley's political science program is defined by its focus on research, with available concentrations such as comparative politics, political theory and international relations.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) : UCLA's Political Science department offers wide-ranging coursework and places a strong emphasis on research.

4. University of Southern California (USC) : USC's Department of Political Science and International Relations offers various specialties including American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory.

5. Claremont McKenna: Known for their Government department, Claremont McKenna has a highly rigorous program with special courses in American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy.

Remember that when choosing the right fit for you, it's not only about reputation. Look at factors such as faculty, specific course offerings, research opportunities, and even the college’s overall culture. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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