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Pre-law: which major is the best fit?

Hi everyone. I've decided to go pre-law - the aim is law school after undergrad. However, I'm not entirely certain which major would best benefit me...would it be political science or perhaps english? Any suggestions?

3 months ago

It's great that you're thinking about your path to law school! In reality, law schools don't typically prefer one major over the other. The American Bar Association (ABA) states that you can choose whatever major you prefer. This means you can freely choose a major which you're passionate about and in which you feel you can excel academically.

That being said, certain majors can cultivate skill sets valuable to aspiring lawyers. Political Science is a popular choice for potential law students. It offers a lot of overlap with law in terms of understanding governmental structures, legislation, and policy which can be beneficial.

English, on the other hand, strengthens your reading, writing, and critical analysis skills – all of which will be invaluable in law school and as a practicing lawyer.

Some students also choose to major in History, Philosophy, or Economics, which can provide useful frameworks and skills for legal studies such as research, argumentation, and comprehension of complex texts and concepts.

Regardless of what you choose, maintaining a high GPA and developing your skills in writing, reading comprehension, and critical thinking will serve you well in law school admissions and in your legal career. The most important thing is to pick something that genuinely interests you, as this will motivate you to excel. Beyond your major, focus as well on gaining compelling, relevant experiences and building a strong overall profile.

Remember that achieving a high LSAT score is also very important for law school admissions, so don’t get so lost in your major that you forget this important component. The LSAT focuses on logical reasoning and reading comprehension skills above all.

3 months ago

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