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Seeking the Goods on Sports Management Programs in CA

Hi! I'm a junior in high school and I've been thinking a lot about majoring in sports management. I happen to live in California and I'm shortlisting good colleges here that offer this program. Any recommendations? Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! In California, a few universities offer programs in sports management, both at undergraduate and graduate levels.

The University of San Francisco (USF) offers a Master's in Sport Management. This program focuses on professional development and networking opportunities, alongside strong theoretic and practical foundations. It also offers diverse career opportunities due to its location and connections to various sports teams and organizations in the Bay Area. However, this course is at the graduate level, so it might be something you would consider in the future.

In terms of undergrad programs, the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) provides a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Sports Management. The coursework covers a broad range of areas within the sports industry, and their program aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to pursue a successful career in sport management.

Another potential option is California Baptist University (CBU), which offers a Bachelor's degree in Sports Analytics and Management. This relatively new focus area combines sports management with the study of data analysis, providing a unique skill set that many modern sports organizations are seeking.

As you proceed with your search, you should compare these programs, considering factors such as course content, opportunities for internships/experiential learning, facilities, and faculty members' expertise. Plus, think about your own personal preferences, such as campus culture, location, and the overall feel of the student community. Remember to visit the official websites of these universities or contact their admissions offices to get accurate and updated information. Best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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