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Top college internships for Political Science majors

Hello everyone, I am very interested in politics and plan on majoring in Political Science. Aside from coursework, I understand internships play a significant role in understanding the practical side of it. Any suggestions on colleges known for providing internships that give solid experience?

3 months ago

Internships are indeed key to gaining hands-on experience and exposure in your chosen field. For Political Science majors, there are several impressive internship options you might want to consider. Remember, this is irrespective of the college you attend.

Firstly, D.C. is a hub for political internships. If you get the chance, interning in any governmental institution or political lobbying group could offer you a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities. Specifically, the White House Internship Program stands out where college students work within the Executive Office of the President.

There are also opportunities within think tanks like the Brookings Institution or the American Enterprise Institute. These internships provide students the chance to combine research with policy implementation, often working closely with accomplished policy analysts.

Non-profit organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or Amnesty International might also interest you if you lean towards civil rights and public policy issues.

Furthermore, if you also have an interest in international relations, the United Nations' internship program could be a fascinating opportunity to learn more about global politics.

Finally, interning in political campaigns during election seasons can offer an exciting, fast-paced work environment where you can learn a lot about election processes, public policy, and public relations.

As for colleges, nearly all colleges have career services that help students find internships. Some colleges have stronger connections in D.C., like George Washington University or Georgetown University. Look for a college that has a strong Political Science department and plentiful resources for internship placement. But remember, ultimately, it's up to you to actively seek and apply for these internships.

In conclusion, there are countless opportunities available for Political Science majors. You just need to find the ones that align with your future career aspirations and make the most of them. Good luck!

3 months ago

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