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What's the best college major for considering FBI careers?

Hey y'all, recently I've been fascinated by the idea of joining the FBI after college. Is there a specific major that's considered best for entering this field? Like, would it be more beneficial to study Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, or maybe something else entirely? Any advice will be appreciated!

3 months ago

If your end goal is to work for the FBI, both Criminal Justice and Forensic Science could be beneficial, but they certainly aren't the only paths you could consider. In fact, the FBI recruits individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds - not just those with degrees related to crime and law enforcement.

The FBI employs accountants, IT professionals, linguists, and much more. So, the most important thing when selecting a major is choosing something that genuinely interests you and will allow you to develop a strong set of skills. Being skilled and passionate in your chosen field can make you a strong candidate.

For example, if you are interested in digital forensics or counterterrorism work, you might consider a degree in Computer Science or Cybersecurity. If you would like to work in the intelligence side of the bureau, International Relations or Political Science could be beneficial.

But remember, strong written and verbal communication skills are vital in most FBI roles, so consider courses that help you develop in these areas, no matter your major.

If law enforcement is your interest, Criminal Justice can certainly provide a relevant foundational understanding. But remember, it's not only about what you study—it's also about practical experience. Internships with law enforcement agencies, leadership roles in campus organizations, and volunteer work in relevant areas can prove beneficial when applying for the FBI.

Just as a final note, the minimum requirement to apply to the FBI is a bachelor’s degree (any major) with at least a 3.0 GPA. A major you enjoy will more than likely result in a better GPA - another reason to consider your interests when choosing a study path.

3 months ago

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