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Colleges in California for students with ADHD?

Hey friends, I'm a junior and I have ADHD. I want to stay in California for college if I can, but it's pretty crucial for me to find a school that is accommodating to students with ADHD. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences to share?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are many colleges in California that offer strong support for students with ADHD. They not only provide reasonable accommodations to students but also implement services beyond what's required by law. Here are some California colleges noted for their services for students with ADHD:

1. University of Southern California (USC): USC's Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity provides personalized support for students with attention and learning differences such as ADHD. The center offers academic coaching and skills workshops, and also helps students to connect with campus resources, navigate administrative processes related to disability accommodations, and create personalized strategy plans.

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA's Center for Accessible Education (CAE) provides comprehensive support for UCLA students with disabilities. They also offer a wide range of accommodations and services which include academic accommodations, disability management counseling, adaptive technology, and more.

3. Stanford University: Stanford's Office of Accessible Education (OAE) provides a variety of accommodations and services for students with ADHD, such as note-taking assistance, extended time for exams and assignments, etc.

4. California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): CSULB's Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) provides students diagnosed with ADHD, among others, with a suite of services. They include testing accommodations, priority registration, and assistive technology.

When selecting a college, also consider the overall academic environment, campus culture, student support options, and whether or not these align with your learning style and personal needs. Remember to consider the student to faculty ratio and the accessibility of professors and teaching assistants, as these elements can make a significant difference in your college experience. In the end, it's essential to choose a college where you feel comfortable and supported.

3 months ago

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