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Where to Apply for Economics?

I'm feeling a bit stressed out regarding my college applications. I plan on majoring in economics, and I'm leaning towards liberal arts colleges. What might be some of the best places to apply?

5 months ago

It's great to see you're considering a major in economics. For a liberal arts education, there are several exceptional colleges where you could study economics.

Williams College, for instance, is known for its strong economics department. You could have intimate class sizes and engage in thoughtful discussions. Amherst College is another option. Amherst has an open curriculum so you can take a wide array of classes outside of your major if you want, which can be a great complement to understanding the societal impacts of economics.

Other liberal arts colleges with strong economics programs include Middlebury College, Claremont McKenna College, and Wellesley College (if you identify as female). These institutions all have excellent faculty and offer an integrative approach to studying economics.

Before making a decision, look into what specific areas these programs focus on (like economic theory, international economics, or applied economics), and see what aligns with your interest. What makes you excited about economics? If it's understanding economic trends or studying economic theory, a school like Williams that offers a lot of research opportunities could be a great fit.

Remember, your college experience is what you make of it. Try to find an institution where you feel you'll thrive as an individual, not just as an economics major. College is the perfect time to learn about yourself and your passions, so make sure to consider all aspects of the school, not just the department. Good luck!

5 months ago

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