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Major decision for Disney College Program

Okay, so I've been dreaming about getting into the Disney College Program for as long as I can remember. But now that the opportunity is almost here, I'm freaking out about what major to choose. Can somebody suggest the best majors for the Disney College Program? Something that's going to make my application stand out, you know?

5 months ago

Absolutely, it's an exciting path you're considering! The Disney College Program does not require a specific major, so it really depends on what role you're interested in within the program.

For instance, if you're aiming for roles related to guest relations, recreation, or attractions, choosing a major related to Hospitality or Tourism could be beneficial. Subfields such as Event Planning or Hotel Management may also be useful here.

If you're interested in Entertainment or Character Attendant roles, a major in Theater Arts or Performing Arts could show your interest and dedication in this area. Similarly, majors like Music or Dance could be relevant if you're hoping for roles related to performing.

For merchandising or food service roles, Retail, Business Administration, or Culinary Arts could be beneficial.

Remember, these are just examples. The key is in how you can connect your major to the role you're aiming for, and how your academic learning would be beneficial in that role. In your application and interviews, focus on your passion for Disney and how your studies make you well-suited for the roles you're applying to.

5 months ago

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