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Top Public Colleges for Creative Writing Majors?

It's always been my dream to write for a living. Which public colleges are known for having a great Creative Writing program?

7 months ago

There are several public colleges that are known for their strong Creative Writing programs:

1. University of Iowa: The University of Iowa's Writers' Workshop is one of the most prestigious Creative Writing programs in the country. They offer both undergraduate and graduate level programs.

2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Another top Creative Writing program is at the University of Michigan. Their program in Creative Writing and Literature is quite competitive and offers comprehensive training in writing poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.

3. University of California, Irvine: Their program in Creative Writing is well-regarded, particularly for its strength in literary fiction.

4. Florida State University: This university offers a solid program specializing in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.

5. University of Texas at Austin: Known for their New Writer's Project, the university offers a two-year studio MFA program in poetry or fiction.

Each of these universities would provide you with a robust foundation in creative writing. As you explore these options, do take into account factors like faculty, coursework, opportunities to be published, opportunities for workshops, locational preferences, etc. Furthermore, remember that the best program for you is the one that will best support your individualized writing goals and interests.

7 months ago

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