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Noteworthy Interior Design programs in California?

Hey, guys n' gals. I'm a high school junior in California looking to pursue an Interior Design degree. Any suggestions for colleges with solid programs I should be aiming for?

3 months ago

Sure! California is home to many well-regarded interior design programs.

First off, California State University, Long Beach has one of the top programs in the state. Their Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design program boasts a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum that prepares students for a range of careers in the field.

The University of California, Davis has a strong Design program where you can emphasize in Interior Architecture. Their program teaches theory alongside skill, including areas like drawing, visual communication, and computer-aided design.

Lastly, the Academy of Art University in San Francisco offers both online and on-campus Interior Architecture & Design programs. This is an accredited professional degree, and it places a strong focus on the theory and practice of creating functional and innovative spaces.

Each of these programs has its strengths, so think about what aspects are most important to you: the faculty, the curriculum, internship opportunities, etc. And remember, it can be very beneficial to visit the campuses or attend virtual info sessions to get a sense of the school's culture. This way, you'll gain more insight on which program aligns best with your personal and career goals.

3 months ago

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