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The Right College for Environmental Studies Major

Hi there! I'm a high school junior interested in pursuing Environmental Studies, and I'm trying to make a list of colleges to apply to. What are some colleges known for their strong Environmental Studies programs? Any help would be appreciated!

3 months ago

Sure, glad to assist! There are multiple excellent colleges across the United States known for their robust Environmental Studies programs. Here's a brief snapshot of some that may be worth considering.

1. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): The Environmental Science department is inter-disciplinary and focuses on understanding the complexities of issues such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity.

2. Stanford University: Stanford's environmental sciences program is intrinsically linked with its School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences. The school offers a unique, interdisciplinary approach to the subject.

3. Middlebury College: Known for its strong emphasis on Liberal Arts, Middlebury offers an excellent undergraduate program in Environmental Studies. Students take a mix of social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities courses.

4. Yale University: Yale has the renowned School of the Environment, which allows undergraduates to take certain courses. Yale's environmental science major is also very noteworthy, with multiple ties to the environmental school.

5. Colorado State University: CSU is known for its dedication to sustainability and its strong environmental science program. It offers several environmental majors, such as Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Planning and Design, and Environmental Health.

6. University of Washington: The College of the Environment at the University of Washington offers a robust Environmental Studies program and myriad opportunities to participate in research and fieldwork.

These should give you a good starting point. Remember to consider other factors such as location, finance, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities when making your final selection. Make sure to use the colleges' net price calculators to estimate costs too. Good luck!

3 months ago

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