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Majors for aspiring singers?

So, I've got the goal of one day being a professional singer, and I know the right college major can help shape that path. I was curious if you guys had any ideas on which college major would complement a singing career?

3 months ago

The path to a career in singing can certainly be influenced by your college major, and several disciplines can provide a robust foundation. Here are a few ideas:

1. Music or Vocal Performance: This would be the most direct way to hone your craft. These programs focus on building your voice, enhancing your understanding of music, and developing your performance skills.

2. Music Education: If you're passionate about not only performing but also teaching, a music education degree could be a good fit. This major also provides a practical backup plan if a career solely in performance doesn't pan out.

3. Music Therapy: This major combines a love for music with a strong desire to help others. A career in music therapy would entail using music to improve clients' health, brain function, and general wellbeing.

4. Music Business or Music Industry: If you'd like to understand the business aspect of your singing career, this might be a good choice. It will help you learn how the music industry operates, including the ins and outs of contracts, promotion, and production.

5. Theatre or Dramatic Arts: This could be beneficial if you're interested in musical theatre or just want to improve your stage presence.

6. Audio Production or Sound Engineering: This gives you technical skills that could be beneficial in a singing career. You'll learn about producing music, mastering studio technology, and understanding the technical aspects of sound.

Remember, while your major is important, it's also crucial to gain practical experience. Joining a choir, participating in musical theater productions, or even starting a band could provide invaluable experience. Try to take part in internships or work-study programs where you can see firsthand how the music industry operates. You'll want to network as much as possible and strive for a consistent performance schedule to build your resume and deepen your skills. Pursuing your passion and honing your craft outside of the classroom is just as critical for a successful singing career.

3 months ago

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