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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Choosing a major, need advice?

Pretty stressed here... With all the possible college majors out there, how did you all decide? I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Any insights, experiences, or words of wisdom would be really appreciated!

3 months ago

Deciding a major can indeed be challenging with all the possibilities out there! It's not a decision to take lightly, but it's also not one you should stress too much about.

Firstly, you should know that many students change their major at some point in college, even if they had a clear idea coming in. It's all part of the learning and growing process. So whatever choice you make now doesn't have to be ultimate.

To choose a major, introspection can be a good starting point. What are you naturally drawn to? What topics do you find engaging or feel passionate about? This could be something you read about, or hobbies you have. Is there a topic that you can spend hours exploring, researching, or discussing about without getting bored?

Next, think about your skills. What are you good at? Do you have a knack for problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, or creativity? This could point you to fields like Mathematics for problem-solving, Journalism for communication, or Art for creativity.

Thirdly, try to visualize the type of work you see yourself doing in the future. Do you want to be in a lab, in an office, in a school, in a courtroom, in a hospital, or perhaps out in the field somewhere?

But it's not all about enjoyment and vision. It's equally important to consider practicalities like job prospects, earning potential, and opportunities for advancement in various fields. Exploring career resources and speaking with people who have followed the paths you're interested in could give you great insights.

Lastly, understand that it's perfectly okay to enter college undecided. Many students get exposed to fields they never even knew existed until their first year of college! In fact, starting out as "undecided" could give you the freedom to explore various fields through general education requirements and electives before declaring a major.

This decision-making process entails careful thought, introspection, and research. But remember, a major does not always dictate your career – many people end up in careers that aren't directly tied to their majors. The purpose of a major is to provide a structured study in a particular subject, but your career can span multiple sectors throughout your work life.

Good luck in your decision-making journey!

3 months ago

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