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Ideal jobs for finance majors while in college?

I'm in my junior year of high school, and I'm going to major in finance in college. I'm really keen to find some financial sector related jobs that I can do while studying to get some hands-on experience. Any suggestions?

3 months ago

Sure, there are quite a few jobs that fit the bill. Working on jobs related to finance not only can help you earn money, but can also provide you with valuable experience that may benefit your future career. Here's a handful of job ideas for you:

1. Bank Teller: Although it's an entry-level job, being a bank teller can give you insight into basic bank operations and introduce you to various financial products and services.

2. Accounting Assistant: Many offices, including university offices, hire part-time accounting assistants to help with basic tasks such as tracking income, reconciling bank statements, and assisting with audits.

3. Investment Club Analyst: If your university has an investment club, securing a position as an analyst can offer you hands-on experience with investing and portfolio management.

4. Research Assistant: Oftentimes, finance professors need assistance with research projects. This could involve data collection, analysis, or report writing.

5. Financial Analyst Intern: Many financial services firms and corporations hire intern finance majors to assist their financial analysts; you'll get to work with financial modeling and forecasting and learn a ton in the process.

6. Tax Preparer: Working part-time or seasonally as a tax preparer can offer you valuable experience about personal or business tax preparation.

Remember to leverage your college's career center and finance department faculty as you search for these opportunities. Many universities also host job fairs where you could meet potential employers face-to-face. Good luck with your job search!

3 months ago

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