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Colleges with Best Musical Theater Programs

Hey, folks! I've been involved in musical theatre all through high school, and I really want to pursue this in college. Do you have any recommendations for colleges with comprehensive musical theater programs?

3 months ago

Absolutely! It's exciting that you want to continue your involvement in musical theatre at the college level. There are several colleges known for their excellent musical theatre programs.

1. University of Michigan: UMich's School of Music, Theatre & Dance is highly renowned. Their curriculum emphasizes the balance between dance, singing, and acting, and graduates have a strong track record of success in Broadway and other professional theater.

2. Carnegie Mellon University: Known for its conservatory style BFA program, CMU's School of Drama emphasizes rigorous training in theater.

3. Florida State University: Within the College of Music, the FSU Musical Theater program provides intensive, conservatory-style training with a strong liberal arts education.

4. University of Cincinnati – College-Conservatory of Music (CCM): The undergraduate musical theatre program at CCM is highly competitive and combines comprehensive coursework in music, drama, and dance.

5. Boston Conservatory at Berklee: Boston Conservatory's Musical Theater program offers a strong foundation in acting, music, and dance.

6. NYU Tisch School of the Arts: At Tisch, students study singing and acting in studio, with a rigorous curriculum of coursework in musical theatre history and technique.

Whichever program you eventually choose, make sure it aligns with your ultimate career goals and fits you personally and academically. Good luck with your college selection process!

3 months ago

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