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Best college major for getting into management consulting?

Yo, really got my heart set on going into management consulting after graduation. I know it's competitive as hell but I'm willing to put in the work. Just wondering, does the choice of major significantly affect your chances of breaking into this field?

3 months ago

Yes, your choice of major can definitely impact your chances of breaking into management consulting. While management consulting firms hire graduates from a broad range of disciplines, certain majors can provide an edge.

One of the most common routes into management consulting is through business-related majors, like Business Administration, Finance, or Economics. These offer a solid foundation in business principles and practices, which can be very valuable in a consulting environment. More specialized fields of study within business, such as Operations Management or Supply Chain Management, can also be highly relevant.

If you're interested in a certain industry or type of consulting, it can be beneficial to major in a related field. For example, if you're interested in healthcare consulting, a major in Public Health or Biology could be beneficial. For tech consulting, Computer Science or Information Systems would be strong choices.

Some management consulting firms also value the analytical and problem-solving skills that come from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) degrees. If you can demonstrate your ability to parse complex problems and develop innovative solutions, the specific major might be less important.

Gaining relevant internship experiences and developing strong networking skills can also be critical in securing a position in management consulting. Becoming involved with consulting clubs or case competition teams on campus can offer valuable exposure to the industry and networking opportunities. Ultimately, successful management consultants come from a variety of academic backgrounds, and your personal motivation, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal skills will determine your success in this field.

3 months ago

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