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Best Teaching Degree Programs in California?

I've always had a passion for teaching! As a junior in high school in California, I need to decide soon which colleges I should apply to. I'm focusing on those with strong teaching degree programs. Anyone got any advice or suggestions?

3 months ago

Definitely, you've already made a huge step by identifying your passion for teaching. Given your location, you're fortunate to have access to some top-notch institutions for pursuing a teaching degree.

1. Stanford University: The Stanford Graduate School of Education offers a strong undergraduate program in education for students interested in pursuing careers in teaching and education policy.

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA has an undergraduate Education and Social Transformation major that provides a multidisciplinary approach to understanding education.

3. University of California, Berkeley: The CalTeach program at UC Berkeley offers an undergraduate minor that combines math, science, and coursework with teaching experiences for students interested in exploring teaching as a career.

4. University of Southern California (USC): The USC Rossier School of Education provides both undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs.

5. San Diego State University (SDSU): SDSU’s College of Education has several undergraduate education programs, including one in liberal studies for future elementary school teachers.

Remember to focus on schools that fit your individual needs in teaching. For instance, if you're interested in Special Education, look for schools with strong programs in that specific area. Keep in mind that public universities in California, such as the UC and CSU systems, generally offer a more affordable education for state residents. Lastly, always consider visiting campuses if possible and reaching out to the departments with any questions you might have about their programs. Good luck!

3 months ago

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