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Top-notch English majors in California colleges?

I'm probably gonna major in English when I get to college (current junior here, sigh) so I've been trying to do my research. Anybody knows any California colleges that stand out for their English programs? I've heard that the curriculum can be very different depending on the college, but what should I look out for? I'd prefer to stay in-state if possible!

3 months ago

You're spot on that the curriculum can vary greatly from college to college, but some key factors often considered include the breadth and depth of the course offerings, the faculty composition, and opportunities for research or writing in publications.

Several California schools have strong English programs. Notably, Stanford has one of the top-ranked English programs nationwide. They offer a wide range of courses and you can concentrate in specific fields like literature and performance, or politics and literary production. The faculty includes some of the leading scholars in various fields of English.

UC Berkeley also has a very strong English department with diverse areas of focus ranging from medieval literature to postcolonial studies. The department also has a strong commitment to research and undergraduate students have opportunities to engage in research projects.

UCLA similarly has a strong English department, offering a wide breadth of classes and specialties such as American Literature, British and Irish Literature, Gender Studies, and Critical Theory. They also have a wide range of interdisciplinary programs.

For liberal arts colleges, consider Pomona College. Although smaller in size, the English program allows for close interactions with faculty and offers a robust variety of courses.

When examining programs, I suggest looking at the faculty and their areas of interest, course listings to see if the subjects align with your interests, and any special programs, research opportunities, or internships that may be available through the department. You should also look at class size and variety in course offerings.

Ultimately, the "best" program is subjective and the best fit for you will depend on your personal interests, future career goals, and preferred learning environment.

3 months ago

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