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Solid Colleges for Majoring in Italian?

Hello people, I've been learning Italian for several years in preparation for handling it as my major. And now, I’m trying to find out which colleges offer the best programs. Anyone have some recommendations?

3 months ago

Certainly! For a strong Italian program, you might want to consider the following colleges renowned for their robust curriculum, experienced faculty, and extensive study abroad opportunities.

1. Middlebury College: Middlebury is well-known for its language programs and has a stellar program for Italian Studies. The focus isn't just on language acquisition, but also Italian culture, literature, and history. Plus, they offer study abroad programs in Italy.

2. Smith College: Smith has a comprehensive Italian Studies department. Like Middlebury, they don't just teach the language but delve into arts, history, and society. They work closely with the Umbra Institute in Perugia, Italy for students wanting to study abroad.

3. The University of Notre Dame: This college has a strong Italian program with a range of courses available. They boast a rich study abroad program at their Rome Global Gateway. Their curriculum covers everything from Italian literature to cinema.

4. Brown University: The Department of Italian Studies at Brown is renowned for its integration of literature, cultural studies, and philosophy. Their curriculum is notably interdisciplinary, often crossing over with other departments like Comparative Literature and History.

5. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA offers a robust Italian program with numerous resources at the department's disposal, including a fantastic library collection. Students have the opportunity to study in various Italian cities through the UC Education Abroad Program.

Remember that the best college for you isn’t just about the program, but other factors as well, including campus culture, location, size, and financial aid availability. So ensure to research thoroughly. Good luck on your college search!

3 months ago

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