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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is There a Way to Find the Perfect College Fit Based on my Majors?

I have clear ideas about my majors, but finding a college that perfectly aligns with all of them seems like such a daunting task. How do I go about finding a college that would be the best fit considering my desired majors?

3 months ago

Identifying the perfect college fit is indeed a task, but you're already a step ahead because you know your desired majors. Here are a few steps that can help you with your college hunt.

1. Identify the Strength of the Programs: Check each school's reputation and ranking for your desired majors. Keep in mind that the overall ranking of a school doesn't necessarily reflect the strength of its specific programs.

2. Faculty & Curriculum: Look at the faculty's qualifications and research interests in your major. Additionally, check the curriculum requirements for each major, including mandatory courses, options for electives, and opportunities for research or internships.

3. Graduation Outcomes: Check employment statistics, graduate school placements, and salary levels for graduates of your target majors at each college.

4. Go Beyond Academics: Identify if the learning environment, campus culture, location, student life, and financial aspects align with your preferences.

5. Engage With Current Students: Connect with students who are pursuing your majors to get a realistic perspective of what to expect.

6. Visit Campuses: If feasible, consider visiting campuses. Sometimes, the feel of a campus can greatly influence your decision.

As an example, if you're interested in Computer Science and Business, you might consider schools like MIT, Stanford, or University of Pennsylvania that have strong programs in both of these fields. But you'd also want to weigh other factors like campus culture, geography, size of the campus, financial aid, etc.

Lastly, remember that this is a process, and narrowing down your choices will take time. Good luck!

3 months ago

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