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Best colleges for English Majors in PA?

I need advice. I'm strongly leaning towards majoring in English but I'd also like to stay in Pennsylvania for college. I'd appreciate any recommendations for English programs in PA. What are some of the best colleges around here for English majors like me?

3 months ago

There are many stellar colleges in Pennsylvania that offer strong English programs.

1. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): UPenn's English program is world-renowned and consistently highly ranked. They have a diverse array of courses ranging from medieval literature to contemporary drama. UPenn also offers opportunities for undergraduates to work with faculty on research projects.

2. Swarthmore College: Known as one of the top liberal arts colleges, its location just outside Philadelphia provides easy access to city culture while maintaining a small, tight-knit community. English majors here get a broad and diverse understanding of literature from various time periods and cultures.

3. Haverford College: Similar to Swarthmore, it values deep intellectual exploration and offers small class sizes. English majors at Haverford can also take associated classes at Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore through the Tri-College Consortium for expanded learning opportunities.

4. Bucknell University: Students at Bucknell can pursue a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in English. The program is known for its robust and diverse offerings, featuring tracks like literary studies, creative writing, and film/media studies.

5. Franklin & Marshall College: This college boasts an intimate feel with small class sizes, and a broad range of course selections for English studies. They have a robust English program well-reputed in the field of literature and linguistics.

Remember, while reputation is important, the "best" college for you will also greatly depend on considerations like class size, faculty accessibility, strength of alumni network, financial aid opportunities and campus culture. It would be a good idea to visit these campuses if you can, to get a feel of the environment, and to call or email the admissions department to ask specific questions about the English program and support for the students in the program.

3 months ago

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