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Drama Programs in Californian Colleges?

Hi all, theater has always been my passion and I'm looking for colleges in California with reputed drama programs to consider for my applications next year. Any suggestions from your experience?

3 months ago

Certainly, California is home to excellent drama programs! Here are some recommendations based on their solid reputation in the field of Drama and Theatre Arts.

1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Among the top ranked in the nation, UCLA offers a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre with specialization options in acting, musical theatre, playwriting, and integrated studies.

2. University of Southern California (USC): USC's School of Dramatic Arts offers a BFA in Acting for Stage, Screen, and New Media. The program involves intensive training in acting, voice, and movement while also integrating camera work and web-based content.

3. Stanford University: While Stanford might be more well-known for its tech programs, its Drama department is not to be underestimated. Its Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Performance Studies combines practical training with the study of the history, literature, and theory of drama and performance across cultures.

4. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): Known for its cutting-edge training, CalArts offers BFA programs in Acting and Experimental Animation. The school is renowned for fostering artists with a bold, individual vision.

5. San Francisco State University (SFSU): SFSU has a comprehensive drama program with emphases in design/technical production, drama education, performance, playwriting/directing, and Theatre/Interdisciplinary Arts.

Remember, each university varies in style and approach, and you need to factor in size, location, and fit as well. Visit their websites to learn more about the specifics of each program and see which one aligns with your career aspirations and artistic style. Good luck!

3 months ago

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