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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Washington Colleges for Secondary Education Majors - Any Advice?

Hello! I'm currently a junior and super interested in becoming a high school teacher. Therefore, I'm looking to major in Secondary Education. I've been focusing my search on colleges in Washington but I'm kind of at a crossroads. Could anyone suggest some of the best colleges for this major in Washington? Thanks in advance for any help!

3 months ago

The fact that you're considering a path in education is truly commendable; teaching is a rewarding career that directly impacts our future generations. Washington state has several colleges with strong teacher education programs. Here are three suggestions for you to look into:

1. University of Washington (UW): UW's College of Education is one of the top education schools in the country. They have a Bachelor's in Education program which prepares graduates for a teaching career. You can specialize in certain subjects like Maths, Science, English, or Social Studies.

2. Western Washington University (WWU): WWU's Woodring College of Education offers a robust Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education and specializations in special education, bilingual education, and more. While they don't have a straightforward Secondary Education undergraduate major, you can major in a content area (like English or Math) and then complete a Master in Teaching or a post-baccalaureate teacher certification program for secondary education.

3. Washington State University (WSU): WSU's College of Education has a unique program called U-Teach, which allows you to earn an undergraduate degree in a STEM field and also gain teaching certification for middle schools and high schools.

A piece of advice - explore the degree options, student teaching opportunities, and post-graduation job placement rates. Connect with admissions or the education department faculty at each school for more specific information. Hopefully, this helps you on your search - best of luck with your applications!

3 months ago

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