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Best Florida Colleges for Economics Majors

Hi, I'm a junior from Florida looking to pursue a major in Economics. I don't want to stray too far from home so I'm focusing on colleges in Florida. Can anybody help with college suggestions which stand out for its Economics programs?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to help with some in-state options in Florida for studying Economics.

1. University of Florida, Gainesville: UF's Economics department is quite well-regarded nationally, offering both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Economics. They also have an Honors program which gives the chance to delve deeper into your studies.

2. Florida State University, Tallahassee: FSU offers a comprehensive Economics program with the opportunity to perform research and join an Honors program, which can certainly elevate your college experience.

3. University of Miami, Miami: University of Miami's Economics department is ranked well nationally and they offer a flexible curriculum with many elective options.

4. University of South Florida, Tampa: USF offers a good program and focuses on the practical application of economics, which could be really beneficial depending on your career goals.

5. Rollins College, Winter Park: If you're open to a smaller, liberal arts school environment, Rollins' Economics program might be worth considering. They emphasize research and experiential learning.

Remember to consider factors other than just the strength of the program, such as the overall school fit, campus culture, location, and financial aid opportunities. It might also be beneficial to reach out to the economics department at each of these colleges to learn more about the resources they offer to majors, such as internships, research opportunities, or alumni networks. Visit the campus if you can, and try to get a sense of where you can envision yourself for four years.

3 months ago

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