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What are the best physical education colleges in California?

Hi everyone. I'm currently a junior and thinking about majoring in Physical Education. Anyone know of some great colleges in California for this major? I'm not sure about where to start on the research.

3 months ago

California is a great place to pursue a Physical Education degree due to the plethora of colleges and universities known for excellent programs. Here are a few you might consider:

1. University of Southern California (USC): USC's Rossier School of Education offers a program in Physical Education, with a focus on pedagogical practices and theoretical groundings. It's an ideal choice if you're interested in the teaching aspect of physical education.

2. San Diego State University (SDSU): SDSU’s School of Exercise & Nutritional Sciences offers a Physical Education Teaching major. Their program emphasizes the scientific foundation of physical education.

3. California State University, Fullerton (CSUF): The Kinesiology department at CSUF is well-regarded, and they offer different concentration options, including one in Teaching-Physical Education.

4. California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): CSULB's College of Health and Human Services offers a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an option in Physical Education. It's a comprehensive program with strong theoretical and practical elements.

5. California State University, Northridge (CSUN): CSUN offers a degree in Kinesiology with an option in Physical Education. Like many other programs, it's geared towards students interested in a career in teaching.

Remember to look beyond the reputation of the program. Take the time to explore each school's curriculum, internships or field experiences, faculty-student ratio, and campus culture to determine what would be the best fit for your career goals and personal preferences. It's also important to check out the admission criteria and costs of these programs to ensure they meet your needs and capabilities.

3 months ago

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