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California Colleges for Language Studies?

Hey, currently a high school junior and I'm really into languages and hope to major in language studies. I've been living in California and I'd love to stay here for college. Anybody got recommendations for which colleges in Cali are best for language studies?

3 months ago

Hello! California is home to several colleges and universities with strong programs in the field of language studies.

One excellent option would be University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), which is known for its diverse language studies programs, offering a wide range of languages such as Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and more. UC Berkeley also provides students with opportunities to engage with the cultures of the languages they are studying, making it a comprehensive language learning experience.

Stanford University, while a reach school for most students given its selectivity, is another one to consider. The school offers a strong program in languages and their linguistics department is highly ranked. They offer courses in over 40 languages!

Also, check out the University of Southern California (USC) and their College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. They have plenty of language courses available, ranging from common ones like French and Spanish to less commonly taught languages such as Persian and Hebrew.

Don't forget about the Cal State system either. California State University, Long Beach (CSU Long Beach) and San Diego State University (San Diego State) have good language studies programs as well that are worth exploring.

Lastly, while not as well-known as some of the others on this list, Pomona College, which is part of the Claremont Colleges consortium, has a top-notch Modern Languages and Literatures department.

Remember to look into the specific languages you're interested in - some colleges may have stronger programs in certain languages over others. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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