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Best California colleges for liberal studies major?

Hey folks, I've decided I want to major in liberal studies as it covers a wide array of subjects and I really enjoy the versatility of it. Can anyone recommend any notable California college that is great with liberal studies programs?

3 months ago

Absolutely, California offers a number of terrific choices for those interested in pursuing a liberal studies major.

One excellent option is the University of California, Berkeley which is known for its interdisciplinary liberal arts focus. The College of Letters and Science there houses On the Same Page, one of the largest liberal arts programs in the nation, which encourages students to explore materials broadly.

If you're looking for a smaller-scale environment, consider Pomona College. Its liberal arts program is known for small class sizes, personalized education, and hands-on research. Because of its size, Pomona students often have more access to faculty than at larger institutions.

Next, Stanford University provides a unique liberal studies program called the Structured Liberal Education (SLE), which is a residence-based academic program that integrates humanities content, writing instruction, and residential life. It's a special program that allows for immersive study.

Lastly, the University of California, Irvine approaches liberal studies with a focus on global cultures. The aim is to prepare students to become more globally aware and engaged citizens.

These options all have unique strengths, so it really comes down to which environment you will thrive in more and what your specific interests within the broad liberal studies major are.

3 months ago

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