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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which California Colleges excel in Business Programs?

Sup fam, I'm currently a junior looking into business programs for my possible future career. I'm based in California and prefer to stay in-state for college. So, could anyone recommend the best California colleges for a business major? Really want a place that could offer solid connections and intern opportunities.

3 months ago

Absolutely, happy to help you narrow down some options! California is home to many excellent business programs, both at public and private universities. To start off, the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business is consistently ranked as one of the top business programs in the nation, offering a diverse curriculum and strong alumni network.

Another noteworthy choice is the University of Southern California (USC) - its Marshall School of Business provides a robust program and a wide array of resources including an intensive career services department. Plus, being in Los Angeles can be advantageous because it's a major hub for many industries.

Stanford University is also a top contender, particularly if you're interested in entrepreneurship and tech-driven business. Stanford's proximity to Silicon Valley can open up unique internship and networking opportunities.

UC Irvine's Paul Merage School of Business is also a solid option, particularly renowned for its programs in Health Care Management and Marketing.

On the public school front, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's Orfalea College of Business has a strong hands-on, experiential learning approach that can be beneficial for securing internships and job placements.

Remember, it's important to not only consider program rankings, but also to consider the school environment, location, size, and culture when making your decision. You want to ensure it's a good fit overall!

3 months ago

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