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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for the Best NYC Colleges for Spanish Majors

Hola everyone! I've decided to major in Spanish in college and I'm super excited about it. New York City is currently my top choice. Can anyone help me out with suggestions on the best colleges in NYC for this major? Input from anyone who's studied this major in NYC would be especially helpful. Gracias in advance!

3 months ago

Hello! Great to hear about your enthusiasm for studying Spanish, and in the vibrant city of NYC no less. The city is home to some excellent institutions that have strong programs in Spanish language and literature.

One of the most iconic educational landmarks in NYC is Columbia University, with its Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures offering both major and minor programs in Spanish and Latin American cultures, embracing a wide array of literary, linguistic, and cultural studies.

Then there's New York University (NYU), particularly their College of Arts and Science, which houses the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Their programs offer a diverse curriculum involving the study of Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latinx world language, literature, and culture. NYU's renowned study-abroad program in Madrid, Spain, could be an added benefit if you're interested in an immersive language experience.

Don't rule out the CUNY colleges either, like Hunter College or City College. Both have comprehensive Spanish programs that offer a lot of flexibility in course selections, and can be more affordable options as well.

I wish you the best as you explore these and other potential options more thoroughly! Just remember, it's not just about the ranking, but finding a program that aligns with your personal interests and career goals.

3 months ago

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