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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Recommendations for college major websites for high school students?

High school junior here, trying to wrap my head around this whole college major selection thing. Are there any reliable websites packed with details about different college majors, career pathways, subject requirements, etc., that are great for high school students?

3 months ago

Certainly, there are quite a few resources out there that can help you learn about different college majors and potential career paths.

1. CollegeVine: This site offers a Major Explorer feature, displaying numerous majors with information about colleges that offer those majors, possible career paths, and related extracurriculars you can engage in during high school. You'll be able to get a sense of what each major involves and understand the types of professions people with these majors typically go into.

2. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): BLS provides an Occupational Outlook Handbook that give insights about numerous professions including fields of work, education requirements, outlook for job openings, pay scales, etc.

3. College Board: It offers a comprehensive resource named 'Big Future' where you can search for colleges based on major, and it also presents detailed descriptions about each major.

4. MyMajors: This site suggests majors based on your interests and academic record. It's quite comprehensive and is a great way to discover majors that line up with what you enjoy and your future aspirations.

Remember to use these resources as a starting point. Beyond exploring these websites, consider talking to professionals in the fields you're interested in, visiting college campuses, or taking online courses to get a feel for the subjects that interest you. Furthermore, keep in mind that many college students change their major – a clear sign that even with research, finding the right major can be a quest that develops over time. Don't stress too much about having it all figured out right now. Happy exploring!

3 months ago

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