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Ideal Online Programs for Business Majors

Hey! I'm looking into pursuing a business major, specifically looking at online programs for flexibility purposes. Any suggestions for reputable online programs that offer a solid business curriculum? Cheers.

3 months ago

Hi there!

Your interest in online business programs opens up a lot of opportunities for you to acquire a quality education. There are a number of universities known for their online undergraduate business programs. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. University of Florida (UF): UF offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). This program is fully online and covers a range of topics including marketing, finance, and management.

2. Penn State World Campus: Their Bachelor of Science in Business, Bachelor in Finance, and Bachelor in Marketing are all reputable choices. These are fully online programs also, structured to offer flexibility and a comprehensive business education.

3. Indiana University's Kelley School of Business: Known for their highly ranked online programs, this could be a great choice. They offer a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration which is highly recognized in the industry.

4. University of Massachusetts--Amherst (UMass Amherst): Their Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) offers specializations in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, and Operations & Information Management. Flexible and comprehensive.

Remember, while the online format offers flexibility, it also requires discipline and self-motivation! Choose a program that not only offers academic strength, but one that matches your learning style and career goals. All the best in your journey.

3 months ago

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