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Best Schools for Biology Majors?

So, I am super into biology and want to pursue this in college. I've seen 'Princeton review best colleges for biology majors' floating around. What do you guys think? Are there other resources you'd suggest I check out?

3 months ago


It's good to hear that you're pursuing your passion for Biology! There are indeed resources beyond Princeton Review which can provide valuable insights. For example, CollegeVine can be a solid resource for information on best schools for biology majors. They have a lot of data and can provide information about students' outcomes post-graduation.

In terms of specific colleges known for strong Biology programs, a few are typically consistently highlighted:

- Harvard University: Harvard is renowned for its top-notch programs, and Biology is certainly no exception with cutting-edge research opportunities.

- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): MIT is traditionally known for its strengths in engineering and physics, but it also has an impressive Biology program.

- Stanford University: The Biology program at Stanford comes with the opportunity to conduct research under globally recognized faculty.

- University of California–Berkeley: UC Berkeley has a strong emphasis on research, which is a significant aspect of studying Biology at the undergraduate level.

Remember, when considering what is the "best" college for you, you should factor in your career goals, atmosphere fit, financial situation, and personal academic interest. So although these schools are generally considered top for Biology, they may not necessarily be the "best" for you specifically!

Also, when researching schools, look at the curriculum, research opportunities, faculty, the size and structure of the Biology department, and potential to get involved in related extracurriculars such as Biology clubs or outreach programs. You could even reach out to current students or alumni to hear about their experiences in the Biology program.

However, do remember that it ultimately lies in what you make of the opportunities given to you in college that matters the most, regardless of where you go!

Best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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