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Sports Management Major Looking for the Best College in Indiana

I'm a junior in high school and I've been wanting to pursue a career in sports management for as long as I can remember. I'm planning on staying close to home - so, yep, Indiana! What are some of the best colleges here for a sports management major?

3 months ago

There are several good options in Indiana for studying Sports Management.

1. Indiana University Bloomington: The School of Public Health at IU Bloomington offers a BS in Sports Marketing and Management that prepares students for careers in the sports industry, at both professional sports and collegiate athletic organizations. They also have a number of sports-related student organizations and internship options.

2. Ball State University: At Ball State, students can pursue a major in Sport Administration, which offers a comprehensive understanding of the sports industry. The program's curriculum combines business management and sport management courses, which sets you up for various career paths in the sports industry.

3. University of Indianapolis: The Sport Management major at University of Indianapolis provides students with a program that seamlessly integrates business and sports topics, to prepare you for a wide range of potential roles within professional sports organizations.

Regardless of school choice, you'd benefit from participating in internships or volunteering within local Indiana sports organizations to build real-world experience and connections in your field, which could give your resume a distinct edge when you start applying for jobs after graduation.

Additionally, if you have a particular interest - like if you're drawn more to the business side of sports, or find yourself more interested in the community and non-profit side of sports management - looking into specific courses or even extracurricular activities in those areas could be beneficial as well, and could distinguish one school from another.

Best of luck with your future sports management endeavors!

3 months ago

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