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Environmental Studies in CA

Hey there! As an aspiring Environmental Studies major, I was wondering if anyone had any experience or advice on the best colleges for this major in California? Any recommendations are super appreciated!

3 months ago

Absolutely! Your interest in Environmental Studies can certainly be well catered to in several institutions around California.

Firstly, Stanford University is renowned for its environmental science program. It offers a highly interdisciplinary program that focuses not only on the core sciences but also on policy and social issues. Stanford has a dedicated School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, which highlights their commitment to the field.

In addition, UC Berkeley's College of Natural Resources has a strong Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Department. Students often applaud the department for its balance of theory, practical fieldwork, and policy-making strategies.

UC Santa Barbara should also be on your list due to their strong program in Environmental Studies. They offer a unique combination of natural science, social science, and humanities courses that effectively cover the complex nature of environmental issues.

San Diego State University (SDSU) has a robust Environmental Sciences program offering concentrations in Watershed Science, Environment and Society, and Applied Ecology.

Lastly, Pomona College, a liberal arts school in the Claremont Colleges consortium, has a highly praised environmental analysis program. A small student population at Pomona means students often get more personalized attention and numerous opportunities for research.

Definitely research more on these programs and see which fits your specific interest best. Weigh factors such as class size, access to research opportunities, internship possibilities, and the overall campus environment while making your decision. Best of luck!

3 months ago

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