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Advice on Business Marketing colleges in California?

Hey everyone! I'm beginning to look at colleges, and Business Marketing is my intended major. Can anyone suggest the best colleges in California for this subject?

3 months ago

Sure, you've got several fantastic options in California for studying Business Marketing!

1. University of Southern California (USC): The Marshall School of Business at USC has a robust Business Administration program that offers a concentration in Marketing. This school is highly-regarded and offers a great blend of experiential learning and academic rigour.

2. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): The Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley also stands out. They don't offer a specific "Business Marketing" degree, but you can major in Business Administration and take a number of marketing-focused courses.

3. Stanford University: Their undergraduate business program is a bit different since they don't offer a distinct business marketing major but rather, a major in Management Science and Engineering. However, it still offers an abundance of marketing content and Stanford’s reputation is without a doubt, stellar.

4. Santa Clara University: The Leavey School of Business offers a Business Marketing major allowing you to delve into the core marketing concepts extensively.

5. California State University, Fullerton (CSU Fullerton): Their College of Business and Economics has a detailed curriculum for Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. This program can be an excellent choice if you're looking for a more affordable yet quality education.

Remember, when choosing a college, in addition to considering the strength of the program, also consider factors like location, cost, size of the school, the overall vibe on campus, and potential opportunities for internships and work experience. Good luck in your search!

3 months ago

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