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Best colleges for Economics & Psychology double major

Hi, I'm really interested in studying both economics and psychology when I head off to college. I've heard mixed things about double majoring, but it just seems to fit my interests best. What colleges might be better suited for someone looking to double major in these fields?

3 months ago

Firstly, it's wonderful that you've identified two areas of interest that you're passionate about. Both economics and psychology are versatile majors that can be combined effectively, leading to various career opportunities in fields like market research, human resources, policy analysis, counselling or even behavioral economics.

1. Stanford University: If you're aiming for top-notch programs, Stanford's economics and psychology departments are both highly regarded. Stanford allows students to double major and makes it quite feasible with their flexible degree requirements.

2. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): Known for its strong business and social science departments, UPenn could be a great fit. Specifically, the Wharton School offers a Behavioural Economics concentration which combines psychology and economics.

3. University of Chicago is also esteemed for its economics and psychology departments. Its distinctive approach to economics, known as the "Chicago School," emphasizes rigorous analytical thinking.

4. New York University (NYU): NYU has robust programs in both fields with the added bonus of being in the heart of NYC -- a hub for numerous internships and job opportunities in finance, marketing, and more.

5. University of Michigan (UMich): UMich is renowned for its strong programs in both psychology and economics. Plus, its large university setting could offer opportunities to engage in a variety of extracurriculars related to these disciplines.

Remember, successful double majoring results to some extent from the flexibility and supportiveness of the institution's academic policy. When researching, review the universities' academic rules on double majoring and possibly, reach out to their respective advising offices for personalized advice. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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