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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Aspiring to Be a Music Major

Hello all, being a music major in college is my dream. I'm passionate about both instrumental and vocal music, and I'm looking for colleges with excellent music programs. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

3 months ago

Here are a few colleges renowned for their music programs:

1. Juilliard School: Known for its high-profile musical alumni and faculty, Juilliard is one of the top schools for music, particularly for students interested in classical performance.

2. Berklee College of Music: This school has a strong contemporary music curriculum, giving students ample opportunities to not only perform but to learn about the business and production side of the music industry.

3. Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester: Eastman is known for its top-tier classical performance and music education programs.

4. Indiana University Jacobs School of Music: Located in Bloomington, Indiana, this school offers comprehensive music programs in both instrumental and vocal music.

5. University of Southern California Thornton School of Music: USC's music school provides a diversified curriculum that encompasses classical, jazz, popular music, and film scoring.

Please note, it's important when considering music programs to look at the curriculum (Do you focus more on performance or theory? How much freedom do you have to explore other genres?), the faculty's credentials and connections in the industry, the performance opportunities available, facilities for practice and performance, the relationship with community/performance spaces outside of the school, and the careers of recent alumni.

Audition requirements and processes also vary greatly between schools, so keep that in mind as you narrow down your list. You'll want to prepare well in advance for this part of the application. Some colleges may require auditions in-person while others may accept recorded performances.

As an aspiring music major, you might also want to see if any of these schools offer summer programs to get a feel for what studying music there might be like. This can help you decide if their program would be a good fit for your style and goals.

Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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