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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for a solid English program in the South

Hey, y'all! I'm currently a high school rising junior in the South, and I've always been passionate about English. So, what are some good Southern colleges with strong English programs?

3 months ago

Sure thing! There are some outstanding English programs in Southern universities. Here's a list of some:

1. Duke University in Durham, North Carolina: Known for its strong faculty, innovative research, and a wide range of course offerings.

2. Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee: It has a dedicated English department with diverse areas of study ranging from literary history and theory, to creative writing and journalism.

3. University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia: UVA's English department is recognized for its emphasis on critical theory and cultural studies.

4. Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia: Emory's English department is known for its strong creative writing program and its excellent faculty.

5. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, North Carolina: UNC's Department of English and Comparative Literature is esteemed for its strong focus on literary history, theory, and research methods.

Each of these universities not only have strong English departments, but also offer an enriching college experience overall. When making a decision, be sure to look at each department's course offerings, faculty, and resources to see what fits your personal and academic interests best.

3 months ago

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