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Best schools for studying national security?

Hey friends! Out here planning for the future and wondering, are there any schools that stand out for a major in national security? I know it's a bit niche, but any help would be valuable. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure thing! National security is indeed a unique and interesting field to study. Generally, the top schools for studying national security are typically those with strong global affairs or international relations departments, as these programs often house the national security studies. Here are a few institutions that stand out:

1. Georgetown University: Their School of Foreign Service offers a Security Studies Program which is a pretty impressive, multidisciplinary major focused on global and national security. Many of their faculty members have real-world experience in government, military, and international organizations.

2. Harvard University: The Kennedy School at Harvard has a national security and international affairs focus and often has guest speakers who are experts in national security.

3. Johns Hopkins University: Their School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) hosts a highly-respected Strategic Studies program, which goes over many national security topics.

4. Tufts University: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts has a robust international security studies program.

5. Stanford University: Their International Policy program is a multidisciplinary major where you could tailor your studies to focus on national security.

Remember, it's crucial to not just look at programs but also the opportunities available for internships and career development. Washington D.C.-based schools often have the advantage of connections to institutions like the Pentagon, Department of Defense, and various think tanks in the D.C. area.

Hopefully, this gives you a starting point in your research. Be sure to double-check the specifics of each program as you move forward!

3 months ago

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