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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to choose the best college based on your intended major?

Hey everyone, as a rising junior preparing for college applications next year, I've been hearing a lot about 'fit' when it comes to choosing a college. But, I'm not sure I totally understand how to evaluate a college based on my intended major. Any advice on this? Like, what factors should I consider to determine which is the best college for my major?

5 months ago

Sure, picking a college based on your intended major revolves much around looking at the strengths of the academic departments. For instance, you'll want to check out the faculty's reputation, course offerings, and research opportunities for undergraduates in your chosen field.

Also, consider the size of the department. Some students prefer larger programs that offer a wide variety of course topics and a large community, while others might prefer smaller, more intimate programs with close-knit communities and opportunities for one-on-one interaction with professors.

The nature of classwork and the curriculum structure are also worth considering. Some colleges offer a more theory-based curriculum while others focus on practical learning with hands-on experience. Depending on your future aspirations (Grad school vs immediate job), the type of coursework might sway your decision one way or the other.

College rankings for your specific major can also provide some insight into the reputation of the program. While rankings should not be the sole deciding factor, they can provide a snapshot of a program's quality in comparison with others.

Moreover, consider the postgraduate opportunities for students in your major — some departments may have partnerships with local businesses, internships, or study abroad programs. Don't shy away from reaching out to the college career center or the department to ask about job placement rates and support for job searches and internships.

Lastly, spend time speaking with current students or graduates if you can. They can provide first-hand insight into what it's like to be a student within that major at a particular school.

Remember, choosing a college is a significant decision and it's crucial you feel positive about your choice. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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