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Looking for best colleges for English majors in Virginia

I'm from Virginia and want to stay close home for my undergraduate studies. I want to major in English, does anyone here have recommendations for top English programs in Virginia?

5 months ago

Absolutely, Virginia has several colleges with strong English programs. Here are some worth considering:

1. University of Virginia (UVA): UVA's Department of English is renowned for its strength in critical theory and literary history. You'll also have access to a wide variety of electives to shape your English studies according to your interest.

2. College of William & Mary: Known for emphasizing literature, writing, and critical thinking, their English department offers a wide selection of courses across different periods, genres, and themes.

3. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU): The English Department at VCU has a highly reputable program, especially if you're interested in creative writing. They offer a rich variety of courses in literature, linguistics, and writing.

4. James Madison University (JMU): They provide a holistic approach to the study of English with a focus on writing, reading, and thinking skills. They offer concentrations in Creative Writing and British & American Literature among others.

Remember that while rankings and program details are important, college fit should also be a big consideration in your choice. Visit the campuses if you can, speak to students or professors, and really picture yourself at these schools. Be sure to check on class size, faculty-to-student ratio, internships, study abroad offerings in English, and opportunities for independent study or research as these can make a difference in your undergraduate experience. Best of luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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