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Top colleges for Psychology major in New York?

Hey friends, I'm a current junior looking to apply to colleges in New York with a strong Psychology program. Any suggestions on where I should be looking?

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are several colleges in New York that are well-known for their strong Psychology programs.

Firstly, you might want to consider Columbia University. It's part of the Ivy League and has an exceptional Psychology department. They offer a wide range of courses and opportunities for research, which can provide valuable experience if you're considering a career in Psychology or even further academic study in the field.

Another noteworthy school is Cornell University, which is also an Ivy League institution. In addition to a strong Psychology program, it offers diverse research opportunities in various subfields of Psychology.

For a slightly smaller school, you could look into Vassar College. Vassar's Psychology program is one of its strongest, and also offers opportunities for research.

Lastly, though it's a bit further from the city, the University of Rochester should be on your list. Its Psychology department is well-regarded and offers areas of study like clinical psychology and developmental psychology, among others.

Remember, selecting a school is not just about the ranking or reputation of a specific major. You also need to consider the overall fit of the school — its size, location, culture, financial aid policies, and other factors that could affect your college experience.

Happy researching!

5 months ago

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