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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College Majors for Future Medical Professionals?

I'm a junior in high school and I want to become a doctor in the future. What college majors would you guys recommend that could be beneficial for a pre-med student like me? Looking forward to your suggestions!

5 months ago

Hello! Based on your career aspiration to be a doctor, the traditional trajectory includes majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Biochemistry as these majors provide a strong foundation in life sciences and often includes most of the prerequisites for medical school (like biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) in the curriculum. So, following this path can ensure you're well-prepared for the MCAT as well.

However, remember that being pre-med isn't limited to only these science majors. In fact, medical schools appreciate diversity in their applicant pool, so majoring in non-science fields like English, Philosophy, or Sociology is fine, as long as you complete the pre-requisites for medical school. Majoring in humanities or social sciences can also give you a unique perspective in medicine and can make you stand out during the admissions process.

Ultimately, you should pick a major you're truly interested in, because you're more likely to perform well academically in a field you're passionate about. Whether it be English Literature or Biological Sciences – what matters most is your ability to balance your academics, extracurriculars, research, volunteering, and other med-school prerequisites successfully. Good luck in your academic journey!

5 months ago

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